JA / EN / KO
UniPocket and Website Terms of Use
Article 1 (Operation)
UniPocket is operated by the UniPocket production team (hereinafter referred to as "our team").
Article 2 (Application)
1.These terms apply to all rights and obligations between our team and users (collectively referred to as "users") regarding postings to UniPocket and their use of related websites (hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Service").
2.Rules posted on the Service by our team and other rules set by our team regarding the Service constitute a part of these terms.
3.In the event of any discrepancy between the contents of these terms and the rules or other descriptions of the Service outside these terms, the provisions of these terms shall prevail.
Article 3 (Agreement to the Terms)
1.In order to post or use the Service, you must read the entire terms and agree to them.
2.When a user posts to the Service, regardless of whether they have registered for use, they are deemed to have agreed to these terms.
Article 4 (Posting to the Service)
1.Users shall not post anything that violates the posting guidelines or other materials that our team prohibits from use on the Service.
Article 5 (Prohibited Content)
Users may not post the following content (hereinafter referred to as "Prohibited Content"). Completion of a post to the Service does not guarantee that the content is not Prohibited Content. If it is discovered that the content is Prohibited Content after posting, our team may, at its discretion, remove, delete, or make the content non-displayable without notice.
(1) Content that violates Resonite's EULA (https://resonite.com/policies/EULA.html) or Usage Guidelines (https://resonite.com/policies/Guidelines.html).
(2) Content that, according to Resonite's Usage Guidelines, is only allowed to be displayed under certain world or age restrictions.
(3) Content that infringes or may infringe on other users or third parties' intellectual property rights (including copyrights, patent rights, utility model rights, design rights, trademark rights, and other intellectual property rights, as well as the rights to acquire and apply for registration of these rights. Hereinafter the same).
(4) Secondary creations of creative works (hereinafter referred to as "original works") owned by other users or third parties. However, content can be posted if the poster has obtained individual permission for posting and use under these terms from other users or third parties who hold intellectual property rights to the original works, or if it is clear that such posting and use are permitted in guidelines or other regulations related to the use of the original works, and if evidence of these permissions is provided to our team.
(5) Content that makes the operation of Resonite difficult.
(6) Content containing excessively violent or cruel expressions.
(7) Content containing computer viruses or other harmful computer programs.
(8) Content containing expressions that damage the reputation or credibility of our team, other participants of the Service, other users of the Service, or other third parties.
(9) Content containing obscene expressions, expressions that promote discrimination, content that encourages suicide, self-harm, or inappropriate use of drugs.
(10) Content containing antisocial expressions.
(11) Chain mail or other content that seeks to spread information to third parties.
(12) Content containing expressions that cause excessive discomfort to others.
(13) Other content deemed inappropriate by our team.
Article 6 (Registration)
1.For registration of use of the Service, users must agree to these terms and provide certain information (hereinafter referred to as "registration items") to our team in a manner specified by our team.
2.Upon completion of registration for the Service, a site use agreement is established between the user and our team, and the user can use the Service in accordance with these terms.
Article 7 (Change of Registration Items)
Users must notify our team of any changes to the registration items without delay in a manner specified by our team.
Article 8 (Management of Authentication Password and User ID)
1.Users are responsible for appropriately managing and storing their authentication password and user ID related to the Service (including passwords and user IDs for external services used for OAuth authentication but not limited to these. Hereinafter the same), and must not allow third parties to use, lend, transfer, change the name of, sell, or otherwise dispose of them.
1.Users are responsible for appropriately managing and storing their authentication password and user ID related to the Service (including passwords and user IDs for external services used for OAuth authentication but not limited to these. Hereinafter the same), and must not allow third parties to use, lend, transfer, change the name of, sell, or otherwise dispose of them.
Article 9 (Prohibited Activities)
In posting to the Service or using the Service, users must not engage in any of the following acts, or acts deemed as such by our team:
(1) Acts that violate laws or are related to criminal behavior.
(2) Fraudulent or threatening behavior against our team, other participants of the Service, other users of the Service, or other third parties.
(3) Acts against public order and morals.
(4) Acts that infringe on the intellectual property rights, rights of likeness, privacy rights, reputation, or other rights or interests of our team, other participants of the Service, other users of the Service, or other third parties.
(5) Sending Prohibited Content as defined in Article 4 to our team, other participants of the Service, or other users of the Service.
(6) Acts that place an excessive load on the network or systems related to the Service.
(7) Reverse engineering or other analysis of software or other systems provided by our team.
(8) Acts that may interfere with the operation of the Service.
(9) Unauthorized access to the network or systems managed by our team.
(10) Impersonating a third party.
(11) Using another user's ID or authentication password.
(12) Acts that cause disadvantage or damage to our team, other posters of the Service, other users of the Service, or other third parties.
(13) Acts that violate rules regarding the Service published by our team.
(14) Providing benefits to or involving antisocial forces (hereinafter referred to collectively as "antisocial forces"), including organized crime groups, members of organized crime groups (including those who have not been members for less than five years), quasi-members of organized crime groups, companies related to organized crime groups, and others equivalent to these.
(15) Acts aimed at meeting unfamiliar individuals of the opposite sex.
(16) Acts that directly or indirectly induce or facilitate the acts listed in the preceding items.
(17) Other acts deemed inappropriate by our team.
Article 10 (Suspension, etc., of the Service)
Our team may suspend or interrupt all or part of the Service without prior notice to users in any of the following cases:
(1) When urgent inspection or maintenance work is necessary for the computer system related to the Service.
(2) When the Service can no longer be operated due to computer, communication line failures, errors, excessive concentration of access, unauthorized access, hacking, etc.
(3) When the operation of the Service becomes impossible due to earthquakes, lightning, fires, flood damage, power outages, epidemics, natural disasters, etc.
(4) Other cases where our team deems suspension or interruption necessary.
Article 11 (Rights Attribution)
1.Intellectual property rights related to materials produced by our team in operating the Service belong to our team or those who have licensed rights to our team, and the permission to post to the Service and the permission to use the Service do not imply a license to use the intellectual property rights of our team or those who have licensed rights to our team.
2.Users represent and warrant to our team that they have legal rights to perform acts related to content they post or otherwise transmit, and that such content does not infringe the rights of third parties.
3.Users grant our team a non-exclusive and free license to use (including the right to transfer sublicenses and implementation rights), reproduce, transfer, create secondary works (including rights defined in Articles 27 and 28 of the Copyright Law), modify, publicly transmit, display, execute, and otherwise use content they post or otherwise transmit worldwide.
4.Users will not exercise any moral rights or other intellectual property rights related to the content they post or otherwise transmit against our team and third parties to whom our team has granted sublicenses.
5.When users post or otherwise transmit content that includes their own or a third party's likeness, they authorize our team to use such likeness to the extent necessary for the hosting and operation of the Service, and they will not assert, nor allow third parties to assert, rights of likeness against our team. In such cases, if our team is claimed for compensation for damages or other claims due to infringement of rights of likeness by a third party, the user guarantees to bear all such damages and other associated costs.
Article 12 (Cancellation of Registration, etc.)
Our team may, without prior notice or announcement, remove, delete, or make non-displayable content from the Service, temporarily suspend the use of the Service, or cancel the registration of a user as a user, if the user falls under any of the following items:
(1) When violating any of the provisions of these terms.
(2) When the matters represented and warranted to our team differ from the facts.
(3) Other cases where our team deems participation in the Service or continued use of the Service inappropriate.
Article 13 (Publication Period)
1.The publication period of the posted contents shall be indefinite.
2.Users who wish to withdraw their posted content can request removal based on the method specified by our team, and we will delete the content accordingly.
Article 14 (Display of Contributor Information)
Our team will display information about the content posted on the web pages and by other methods during the operation of our service, including the name, description, thumbnail, creator's name, Resonite username, and other information provided by the contributors. Contributors shall not object to these displays.
Article 15 (Withdrawal)
1.Users can withdraw from the service and cancel their registration as users upon completing the procedures established by our team.
2.The handling of user information after withdrawal shall be in accordance with the provisions of Article 18.
3.Even if this agreement or the site usage contract is terminated due to the user's withdrawal or other reasons, the following articles will continue to be effective: Article 2 (Application), Article 8 (Management of Authentication Passwords and User IDs), Article 9 (Prohibited Matters), Article 11 (Ownership of Rights), Article 16 (Disclaimer of Warranties and Exemption from Liability), Article 17 (Confidentiality), Article 18 (Handling of User Information), Article 19 (Amendments to this Agreement), Article 20 (Contacts and Notifications), Article 21 (Transfer of Contractual Status), Article 22 (Severability), Article 23 (Governing Law), Article 24 (Language), and this article.
Article 16 (Disclaimer of Warranties and Exemption from Liability)
1.Our team does not guarantee, either explicitly or implicitly, that the service meets specific purposes of the users, or that it has expected functionality, value, accuracy, or usefulness, that contributions to the service by users are in compliance with applicable laws or internal rules of industry organizations, that the service will be continuously usable, or that it will be free from defects.
2.Our team shall not be liable for any damages incurred by users in connection with the service unless intentional or gross negligence on our team's part is proven.
3.Our team has no obligation to correct any errors in the content or information of the contributions due to the contributor's negligence.
4.In the event of transactions, communication, disputes, etc., arising between users and other users or third parties in connection with the service, users shall resolve these at their own responsibility. In such cases, if any damage is caused to our team, users shall bear all the damages regardless of their fault.
Article 17 (Confidentiality)
Users shall keep confidential any non-public information disclosed by our team in connection with the service that our team requests to be treated as confidential, unless prior written or electronic consent is obtained from our team, and shall not disclose or leak such information to other users or third parties.
Article 18 (Handling of User Information)
1.The handling of user information by our team shall be governed by our team's separate Privacy Policy (https://about.uni-pocket.com/ja/privacy), and users agree that our team will handle user information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
2.Our team may use and disclose information and data provided by users, in a form that does not identify individuals, as statistical information at our team's discretion, and users shall not object to this.
Article 19 (Amendments to this Agreement and Others)
Our team may amend this agreement at any time without individual prior notice if deemed necessary. When amending this agreement, we will announce the effective date and content of the amended agreement on the service or our managed website replacing it or by other appropriate methods. However, in cases where user consent is legally required for changes, we will obtain consent through methods specified by our team.
Article 20 (Contacts and Notifications)
1.Inquiries about the service and other communications or notifications from users to our team, as well as notifications about changes to this agreement and other communications or notifications from our team to users, shall be made in the manner specified by our team.
2.Users are deemed to have received any communication or notification sent by our team to the Resonite account or other contact information included in the registration items (including but not limited to direct messages from external services such as SNS).
Article 21 (Transfer of Contractual Status)
Users may not transfer, convey, create a security interest in, or otherwise dispose of their contractual position or rights or obligations under this agreement to third parties without prior written or electronic consent from our team.
Article 22 (Severability)
Even if any provision or part of this agreement is deemed invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this agreement and the remaining parts of the provision deemed invalid or unenforceable will continue to be fully effective.
Article 23 (Governing Law)
The governing law for this agreement and the site usage contract shall be Japanese law.
Article 24 (Language)
This agreement is prepared and interpreted in Japanese. Translations of this agreement into other languages are not binding on the parties.